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In a determined world like ours it takes courage to break out of stereotypes. The wish of a change developes a shadow of unsteadiness and becomes a burden. If it is not an inner voice it will be the society which confrontrats any value with a risk. But why do we rate the uncertainty in a shift of life negatively? Achieving goals has to happen in an environment full of skeptisism and “I told you so’s”. The reaction to your fail would be even more intense, regardless if it concerns you or not. We grow up in a world which provides a long to-do-list of conformities before we develope a personality which might be strong enough to write its own list in desperat wish of fullfilling at least some points on it before we die. In the course of this the education system is one of the strongest determinations and becomes more and more an influence on the free mind while you become an adult. In this period of emotional unstability the revolt against everything what boxes you in can’t bring a satisfying solution. It a time of unsolved questions. It is hard to handle the sudden big amount of prospectives. The different levels of governmental compulsory exercises in educational institutions are broadly accepted as the only proved solution to realize success, which is defined as a maximum in outcome and an inherent level of respect in a society; a society which reflects a spiral of consumption. Refering to my own: Why can’t I see links between the most important and influencing events in my life which caused an intense impact to my lifestyle and changed the level of happiness and non-conformity with the universal valid footprint in the surrounding modus vivendi? Why had a loved person to die to show me the worth of life? In merciless power I become aware how empty mine was. I recognised that I had ideas but not tried to fulfil them. As recently as I got aware of this blankness, as I saw my time consuming dependencies and duties, I began to focus on other values. How could I become this person? What are the chances of my individualities in this society?

We are daughters and sons of our parents who forgot about dreaming. Dreams die if the individual is oblidge to be part of a conflictless society. The environment does not encourage free minds.


“The true courage of civilized nations is readiness for sacrifice in the service of the state, so that the individual counts as only one amongst many. The important thing here is not personal mettle but aligning oneself with the universal.” - Hegel


The birth of a civilized nation is the perspicuous wish of law and order. A life in a city was the way out of danger to gather protection. In recall of anarchy it is reasonable to give parts of your personal freedom and power to somebody to reign over you. You give your liberty in exchange to a regulated daily life without concerns about production and consumption. Furthermore an universal valid system of law and order limited the liberty but made life simpler and predictable. Still, these fundaments put our life in order. Over the centuries the containing factors developed and reached a high level of indemnity which, to stay stable, judges every attemp to break out. More and more duties and laws restrict every color point in a black and white system in fear it could unsynchronize the stablility of a state.


“Citizenship comes first today in our crowded world…No man can enjoy the privileges of education and thereafter with a clear conscience break his contract with society. To respect that contract is to be mature, to strengthen it is to be a good citizen, to do more than your share under it is noble.” - Isaiah Bowman


By using the achievements of civilisation and achieving your own goals in allowing yourself to be creative, needs this renunciation of the predicted path. It needs an environment of family and friends who show you all options of life without to judge its circumstances as a risk. It needs a government which stimulates creativity to provide freedom, to show opportunities instead of judgement.


“Which is the best government? That which teaches us to govern ourselves.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe






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