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An enormous achievement of civilized societies is free access to education. for everybody. Inasmuch as teaching technics is a catalysator for creativity, education becomes one of the biggest sources of finding what makes you happy. Quote "I wished to be child again", might be one of the most repeated phrases you hear while the journey called life. Liberty, joy, endless laughs, to be fearless and playfully is what people link with their childhood. While the adult sots in a café and reads the newspaper he looks yearningly at the chalk-drawing a child began to spread over the pavement just before it begins to chase a pigeon all over the place. This unspoiled energy is explained by Sir Ken Robinson as absence of the fear to be wrong.


"If you are not prepared to be wrong you never come up with anything original"

- Sir Ken Robinson


In aspiring success the society focus on a view aspects. In this process the reasons of forming universities on the early 18th century is a breeding ground for a exzessive expansion of a believe in high-education which leads cultute in a wrong direction and limits creativity by setting the focus on a few fields. Furthermore the jobmarket unfolded a harmful priority. The necessity of a degree appears in almost every genre. A long educational career becomes precondition. Universities are producing interlectuals like a treadmill. Claim and reality are scattered at that. Professors have to teach basics and loose essential time to focus on important issues. The real goal to foster elite and stimulate research became impossible. Moreover the professor gets into trouble, if the classes fail. The standards tumble-down. The problem isn't just the labor market who requests by insisting. The problem is hidden in previous stages of the education system. We all have talents. Some are obvious, some hidden. Both sources are in danger to never been used although our youth can be described as a colorful playground with lots of opportunities to figure out what interests are sustained with talent and should be supported. "All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." - Pablo Picasso In an ecuardorian museum I looked upon to dozen wonderful and creative paintings. The exhibition posses works of art by 3-7year olds who showed me prospectives I did not expect of children as I entered the room. What happens with all this talent, this spring of ideas? The educational units are an intense and timeconsuming par of our lives for many years. The influence is tremendous. While teaching obedience, punctuality and competition under the pressure of reward and shame, we confront the pupil with a wide range of subjects. In times of adolescence this methods become a problem. Instead of taken the pupils serious in their doubts belonging to the necessity of some topics - the methods of subordination kills the blazing power of self-realization. There has to be a moment in the educational career there it should be up to you what is worth to learn intensively. Why teaching year after year history-lessons, if these time could be invested in individual music classes? Why letting a person paint year after year the same ugly uninspired paintings of fruits and bowls instead of encouraging his interests in high math? The system is deeply concerned about teaching general knowledge, it forgets about promoting creativity. It forgets about the definition of talent. General knowledge can't be the best starting point for a satisfying occupation. No, it is your talent which leads the way, which influence your decisions. But most pupils leave school without knowing about it or even worse, without being convinced in it. They leave school on a general level cause they never got special assistance. The system of pabulum has to be changed in a more flexible one. After giving the pupil a helpful base of knowledge there should be a time of workup. A commity of parents and teachers should work together with the pupil to figure out an individual schedule of additional or/and supportable contents. Why is this teenager good or bad in these and those? What are his talents? As a result he should get the best possible support to improve them. Beside the individual adjustment for occupationsuccess he or she gets something more valuable; selfconfidence and happiness. It prepares goals, creates friendships with like-minded ones and forms social skills. These mentioned increases are just some notable possible values which a more satisfied mind can generate. Other school subjects aren't devalued, they simply are rated in terms of benefit. Keeping a creative mind, a selfconfident and happy pupil, would help teaching these subjects supplementary.







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